Friday, March 6, 2009

India Rising

Finally the verdict was passed over the most awaited Nithari killings case. Both Pandher and his household help Surinder Koli were sentenced to the gallows. Koli confessed to all his hideous crimes whereas Moninder Pandher had denied all such allegations and being sided by the Supreme Court, he was able to get a clean chit in all the Nithari cases so far.
So now what we awaken is to a new age India, where the law is not blind, where now you can expect your voice to be heard, where a small protest to any injustice will not be left unattended. Are we heading to a better iNdia??
I would say yes. We are now what would really personify the “Developing Nation” Justice by all means should be fair for any kind of development. What would be the say of our modern generation youth on this? Get heard is the buzz word. Speak up against injustice. It could be something as minor as getting the seat for a lady in a local bus that is supposed to be reserved for “Mahilaye” deliberately occupied by some uncouth man or could be some big shot breaking the queue at any ticket counter.
Rang De Basanti by Rakesh Omprakash Mehra was actually an inspiration to one and all. I remember watching this flick in my 4th year of engineering in Pune. As we all know pune has a real youthful crowd. And after the movie not one but it left the entire crowd cogitative alarmed and motivated. So, such inspirations really work! What we saw after that was the huge protest against the Jessica Lal murder case in Mumbai and Delhi and other places all over the country. Justice was given to Jessica’s case as well.
Indian youth today has lots of potential, can be compared to the likes of Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekar and many more heroes of our Indian Freedom. India doesn’t need an Obama we have examples to be set from our past only and we have enough. We don’t need to venture to other territories to cite examples for our youth. Our youth would identify more with our past heroes.
After the terror attacks in Mumbai we Indians are left aghast! Is it some kinda game? India has become the dart board for all targets. Is it so easy to break into our country and get away just like that? Salute to the NSG commandos, the real heroes in the real sense of the word. A small message for the youth here, it’s you who can make the difference. Small unattended actions that we might ignore just to not get into the mess are actually the ones that we need to take up as the cause for a better future a better India. The future is in our hands. We need to make a difference, start at grass root level form your house to your schools/colleges to your offices. We need to spread this flame of patriotism. The modern day patriotism doesn’t mean standing at the border armed with guns. It has a new dimension to it, we just need to view it with a new outlook!!

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